To My Sister in Law Esther

April 25, 2020

You are driven young lady and you follow your dreams and goals. You never gave up on being a nurse and I respect you for the fact that you achieve what you want while you had children and married. I know that was not easy for you but your faith in God and your strength kept you. You are a woman of God and you always gave positive reinforcement to whoever came in your path. You are a beautiful woman and God does love you and your family. You kept going when things got tough in your life.

I love you as my sister in law and my sister in Christ. I wish you all the best in this world and I am so proud of you. My brother is very lucky to have a woman like you, specially since you like his mother which make it so much better. You were there when things got ugly and you did not walk away. I m so sure that you gave my brother the best advice about certain things in his life. You are a rock and please do not forget it. I pray that God will keep you safe and happy always so can be the best that He wants you to be.

Your sister in law

